Reinvention and innovation are two drivers of time. Outside these, time stills. Time stills when we are not constantly reinventing nor innovating.
So what stares these events? Creativity!
Creativity causes newness, a difference, something better.
Personally, everything stops around me when I’m not being creative. And I believe so does it you. We find that we’re individually responsible for making our time evolve, and that if we left this responsibility to a select few, everything will evolve slowly, if at all.
Fact is, there's always a need for creativity – a problem to be solved, a process to be improved. So if things don’t seem to be getting better around you, it means time around you doesn’t evolve, and it’s because you are not being creative.
You're not being creative for most likely the following reasons:
You think you’re not creative: You think; “creativity is for the creative ones”. But who are the creative ones anyway? I believe the ones who don’t like conventionality, status quo, sameness, and norms. You think you’re not creative when you don’t feel the stillness around you, you don’t see the need to change a process, a trend. S you stay that way.
You’re not audacious: The people you term “creative” are more audacious than they are creative. Fact! They push against all doubt, against logic and against learned reasoning. But you don’t. You are not willing to take the risk, to push the boundary. You are too cautious with a shyness that stifles your right to be creative.
You play by the rules: You are too principled and self-guided; everything has got to be checked, everything has got work as it was once made to be. Outside of it is not right, wrong and therefore unimaginable.
You don’t know much: You hardly really know anything around you. You’re not given to exposure, information, knowledge. You observe little or nothing around you, so you can never create what you do not know about.
You know just too much: There’s so much in your knowledge that you begin to believe there’s not much to know about anymore. You resign to the present and see no future or possibilities.
You are too rational: You subject every idea to logical appraisal. If it doesn’t equate it doesn’t fly. You use so much reasoning until it begins to not make sense. You forget that creativity is not common and should therefore not be subject to common/logical reasoning
You don’t create options: You try to fix things using one solution rather than a multiple of solutions. You run with the first idea or solution and give no room for further suggestions
You are extra multitasking: Creativity is a product of focus. But you have too many things going on with you that you seem to be handling ideas but not fully creating one. Time and space are not your luxury so you get lost in everything.